
In the STARLAB workshops, which we offer several times a year, we invite people with and without disabilities.

The common thread of STARLAB can also be found in our workshops: we enter the world of stars. We slip into new roles with the participants, become pop stars, band members & Hollywood legends. Playing with our fantasy and imagination also encourages people without stage experience to completely immerse themselves in their star identity. They experiment with imitating character traits and gestures, and often discover new things about their own self-image.

Creativity is also encouraged in the creation of one's own costumes, movement and music, completely independent of abilities and disabilities. Different levels of (stage) experience and abilities are not the focus of our workshops, but rather the empowerment of

For many past participants these workshops have continued to be valuable resources for a strong self image and belief in one's own wealth of ideas even after the workshops are over.

Our concept of dance and performance workshops is regularly enriched by new perspectives by disabled artists that we invite to hold a STARLAB workshop.

The high energy and fun in the creation process become visible to the audience in a performance at the end of the workshop. And as every star knows: the first applause will not be the last!

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