Who owns the stage?

IM RAMPENLICHT is a theatre-piece.
4 people are on stage.
They dance and make music.
They also talk to the audience.
There are musical instruments on stage.
For example a drum kit, a guitar or a clarinet.

The piece is about famous musicians and stars.
The people on stage wonder:
Why do I wish to be famous?
What am I ashamed of?
What am I afraid of?
What do I enjoy on stage?

Sometimes the people on stage take breaks.
Everyone has a lot of fun.

Hannah Filu Sampé, Otto Calmeijer Meijburg

Johanna von Schönfeld, Jonas Sampé, Marieke Werner, Marius Lambertz

Production Assistance:
Claudia Adler

Hildegard Oehler

A STARLAB production

Feedback comment from performer Johanna von Schönfeld:

"Yes thank you for the comments you have written I am also happy point I wish you a wonderful evening a beautiful fronleichnam still and a happy day is thank you for my outfit and how is this and how is sang is danced is just amazing many dear thanks for your likes and I was very very pleased as I said and also a queen yes I am the queen and yes I thank you many dear thanks I am happy I am happy and I wish you a beautiful weekend weekend and sunshine ciao my dear"

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